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Calculated Field - Multiple IF Statements Not Retaining Calculation when Form Saved


Level 2

Hi Community,


Has anyone else experienced this issue – I have a custom form with a series of questions that is meant to act as a scorecard with the calculated field providing the final score. The calculated field seems to work fine when the form is being edited - it provides the total score - then as soon as I hit save, the field goes to N/A. My text mode is below – 



SUM(IF({DE:Noticeable within 5 seconds?}="Yes", 1,0),IF({DE:Adding or removing an element?}="Yes",1,0),IF({DE:Influencing Production Updates "Runway Work"}="Yes",1,0),IF({DE:Addressing a Customer Pain Point?}="Yes",4,0),IF({DE:Ties to  an experience that matters most?}="Yes",3,0),IF({DE:Supports enterprise objective or OKR?}="Yes",2,0),IF({DE:Supported by Data or Previous Results?}="Yes",3,0),IF({DE:Low LOE?}="Yes",1,0))



I've tried removing the 0 from each IF statement and I also made sure that the format of my field is a Number.


Please see screenshots attached, thank you!

5 Replies


Community Advisor


That is normal behavior for the calculated field.  Make sure you've checked the field to recalc your expressions so that those objects that have this calc field refresh in the background to do the calculation.  I've still at times had to do a recalc expression on an object to finally get it to render my calculated field.  Your field will stay at NA until those fields are filled out and your form "saved", it should then render.


Level 2

Hi Kurt,


I tried recalculating the expression numerous times but it always stays as NA. Not sure what you mean by "Make sure you've checked the field to recalc your expressions so that those objects that have this calc field refresh in the background to do the calculation." Could you clarify? Thank you for your help!


Community Advisor


When you are in your form, looking at the calc field you'll see something on the left like below, clicking the "apply to existing calculations" 


However, I think I understand better, you're looking at your calc field when doing a Preview in the form and you see NA, that will be normal behavior as you don't have option to submit/save for the calculation to run.  You'd want to look/test your field on a form on a test object (project, task, etc) so you can save and see the calculation rendering proper (I know you can test and did in the form editor, that's what its for, but I also like to see it work real-time).  Sorry for the misunderstanding.  


Level 2

Thanks Kurt, I just tried checking off "Apply to existing calculations" and it retained the calculation for a split second and then changed back to N/A. I also then tried to click on Recalculate Expressions, but it remained N/A.


And just to clarify, the testing that I've been doing has been on an actual Test Project and not in the Form Editor.


The calculation displays with the right number while I'm updating the fields on the form, but immediately disappears once I save the form on the Project.


Let me know if this helps!


I may end up submitting an Adobe support ticket to see if they can also help troubleshoot.


Community Advisor


It does look like your instance may be having an issue.  I setup something similar to test my calcs come through fine without the NA.  I used your calc and just updated my field names and it works fine.  It seems you've done everything right.

