Here is an example calculation to analyze the differences between dates in a reporting column. This text mode is a little elusive to newer text mode users. The idea behind this is to see how many whole days are between the planned and actual completion dates. The rounding gets rid of the odd division that needs to be done on the dates stored as integers. The aggregator calculation is needed for being able to do groupings. Planned Complete to Actual Complete ----------- valueformat=compound Complete to Actual Complete aggregator.valueexpression=ROUND(IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),"",DATEDIFF({actualCompletionDate},{plannedCompletionDate})),1) aggregator.function=AVG aggregator.valueformat=compound linkedname=direct textmode=true name=Planned Complete to Actual Complete valueexpression=ROUND(IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),"",DATEDIFF({actualCompletionDate},{plannedCompletionDate})),1) displayname= Considering your application, the calculation changes to accommodate the custom field like so. The text mode above still needs to be used, but tweaked based on the expression below. valueexpression=DATEDIFF({actualCompletionDate},{DE:Target Date}) Have fun with this structure. There are many variations to tinker with on this topic for sure. I used to geek out on these when first mastering text mode 7 years ago. Ping me directly if you need more detail. Doug Williams