Has anyone been successful at creating a budgeted vs. actual hours report since the new resource planner rolled out? I've tried using the new Budgeted Hour report, however I'm unable to show actual hours by user to then roll up to a project. What I'm trying to do is to show by user rolled up to the project-level the amount of hours budgeted against how many actual hours have been logged in order to determine project burn. For example:
Project A has a budget of 100 hours per month over the life of the project
Resource 1 is budgeted 80 hours a month
Resource 2 is budgeted 20 hours a month
Each month, Resource 1 has actually logged 90 hours a month and Resource 2 has actually logged 30 hours a month meaning the project actual total hours have been 120 hours per month and therefore are above budget. Would want to see this as a bar graph for budgeted hours (summed by project) against a line graph of actual hours (summed by project). I've hit roadblocks with WF support, so hoping the Community can help. Thank you! Allison Churas