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Between Filter - only returning earliest possible dates


Level 6
I've built a report to show all upcoming tasks within the next five days, but when I use the "Between" filter it's only returning the tasks that can start on the earliest possible date within that span. It is not showing any of the other tasks that start after the first date. Example: Task report Project>>Status - Equal - Active Task>>Planned Start Date - Between - $$TODAY+1 $$TODAY+5 it is only returning tasks that can start today - not any of the subsiquent tasks for the next 5 days.

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5 Replies


Level 10
Hi Ryan. Try it with "+5 d " (days) at the end. Regards, Doug


Level 6
Thanks Doug, i wish that fixed it, but unfortunately i tried multiple options/scenarios with the "d" +1d / +5d; +1 / +5d; etc etc, to no avail


Level 4
We use "Less than Equal" $$TODAYe+[ ]d Maybe that will help PATRICIA MORENO | WORKFLOW SYSTEMS MANAGER/PRINT PRODUCTION SERVICES [cid:0C0A2319-AB06-4D35-AE8C-817A82838947] T 973 917 6745 | M 973 865 8530 | patricia.moreno@mccann.com 49 Bloomfield Ave, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Click here to send me files via WEBCARGO.net< ">https://www.webcargo.net/request/index/id/7299708/dp/0yrcdXl0dzPIyXDQZS>


Level 6
Thanks Patricia, That did the trick. i have to add a couple of other qualifiers to not show completed tasks etc but that is showing me the missing tasks. Odd that this filter works but not the "between" one - i'll have to look into why that isn't performing as expected.


Level 4
Happy it worked! PATRICIA MORENO | WORKFLOW SYSTEMS MANAGER/PRINT PRODUCTION SERVICES [cid:494EFA89-688F-4367-80A1-A7D594B1FD24] T 973 917 6745 | M 973 865 8530 | patricia.moreno@mccann.com 49 Bloomfield Ave, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Click here to send me files via WEBCARGO.net< ">https://www.webcargo.net/request/index/id/7299708/dp/0yrcdXl0dzPIyXDQZS>