Hi all! Thanks for your feedback. Here's the use case we have: One of the purposes for our Workfront instance is to have the editor in chief of our technical magazine run his article creation/publication process through a request queue and then convert those requests to projects. Within the project, there are basically 3 main steps:
Article creation
In step 2, he is needing to provide external agencies with a completed package that they can pitch to magazines for publication. Currently, this is still somewhat manual. But, some feedback we received recently from an external vendor was that, rather than spending the budget on searching through articles in a report, it would be good to just know when an article is ready for publication. This would ensure the content is fresh and that the agencies aren't having to dig through a very extensive library for one or a handful of articles. This notification process was actually in place before Workfront between the EIC and his agencies, but it was completely manual. So, with the automatic status change, the idea would be to take out even more steps for our EIC so all he has to do is complete a selection of tasks and the project will automatically shift and notify for him. Short story long, our end goal is more automation. Open to more feedback if you have a suggestion of a better way to do this. @AtTask Admin Premier Farnell , can you tell me more about the API you have configured? Jazmin Allen-Collins Analog Devices, Inc.