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Assistance Needed: Fetching Data from Workfront Custom Report via API


Level 1
Hi Team,
We've been working on fetching data from a report via the Workfront API, but have encountered some challenges. Here's a breakdown of the situation:
API Endpoint 1:









"data": {
"ID": "65d8d1ac001",
"name": "Tracking ID 2024",
"objCode": "PTLSEC",
"customerID": "57212cda00a5431b1234567",
"defaultTab": "C",
"description": "This report shows a summary of all the Tracking IDs requests and their respective CIDs",
"filterID": "65d8d1ac00122967d6705b3c457c3947",
"uiObjCode": "OPTASK",
"viewID": "65d8d1ac0012296543a71986de77c04d"



Issue: The data retrieved from this endpoint only provides metadata about the report, rather than the actual data it contains.
API Endpoint 2:






Issue: We attempted to use this endpoint to fetch data based on the customerID obtained from Endpoint 1. However, the data retrieved doesn't match the content displayed in the report.
We need assistance in refining our approach to fetch the actual data from the "Tracking ID 2024" report via the Workfront API. Our goal is to obtain the report's data which we displayed in UI  in JSON format.(attached the screenshots)
Could you please review the provided endpoints and advise on any corrections or alternative methods to achieve our objective?
1 Reply



Please consider submitting a support ticket so we can assist in troubleshooting this further.