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Allowing non Project Owners to change/approve their own Commit Dates


Level 3
Greetings! I'd like to give permissions to to assigned Issue/Task users on certain projects to change their own commit dates without have to get the Product Owner to approve it. We have certain operational projects that just continue to live on forever so "affecting the project end date" doesn't really matter. We are experiencing a lot of extra "noise" causing the product owner to go approve dates that don't really matter in regards to the project. I've tried to give the users all the Manage access I can find at the project level, but the commit date approvals are still being triggered. Any way around this? Thanks! Stephanie Smith Precision
6 Replies


Level 4
Following as I would like to know this too! Tara Carey Neustar, Inc.


Level 10
We have few operational projects that are also not "projects" in the traditional sense, but serve more as buckets for resources to log administrative time, misc support time, etc. We create new versions of these projects at the beginning of the year and close out the old ones. All of the tasks are defined using a Task Constraint of "Fixed Dates" and the Planned Start / Planned Finish is the entire year. No one is responsible to managing commit dates and we monitor the project to ensure that users do not close out any tasks, as they need to remain available for the year. This works for us. Warning, it is not ideal when it comes to the new Resource Management features. Ideally, what I'd like to see if the ability to attach a custom form the the General Hour Types that we can create. General Hours are not dependent on a project schedule, durations, etc. The problem, however is that we can not report on them like all of the other Issue / Task hours in the system since we can not added custom fields to them. For us, this would be the best solution all the way around. It would be nice if this was on a roadmap for Workfront. Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 10
Hi Stephanie, That's interesting. We don't have any Approvals needed for Commit Date changes, we just get an email that the Commit Date has changed. Is that what you're talking about or is it actually asking for an Approval. Can you send a screen shot?


Level 3

Just getting back around to this. Attached is a screenshot of what I'm talking about. I changed the Due date on a project I own, and its still prompting me to "approve" the date change. This is most time consuming and something I wish we could turn off. We are a small project team and trust all date changes. I don't need an email, and in app notification and also have to go and approve the changes. It creates a lot of noise. Perhaps there is a way to turn this off? Happy to share more info if it helps. Thanks! Stephanie Smith Precision0690z000007ZiDzAAK.png


Level 10
Hi Stephanie, It's not an actual approval, you haven't got Approve or Reject option for it. Its only for your information. Commit Date won't always be matching with Planned Completion date. If you change Commit Dates on task from your own project, it might actually easier if you change a Planned Completion Date for it instead. Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 10
So you're getting an email that the Commit Date changed? The screen shot shows me the task and the button asking you if you want to sync the Commit date to the Planned Completion date. But that's not a notification. If you're talking about the Commit Date email you can turn that off under your settings. Click on your picture or icon in the top right > My Settings > Notifications and look for the Commit Date reference and uncheck the box. This will turn off those emails to you. However, keep in mind it does that for Commit Date changes (not by Project etc.).