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Adding Task Due Dates to Document Report


Level 5
We use a report showing pending document approvals, screenshot of the columns attached. It would be great to add the task's planned completion date (and possibly the project's planned completion date as well) to the report to help prioritize which approvals we need sooner. I tried using 'due on' text mode from other reports to no avail. Is it possible to add this information? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! Janelle Janelle Hicks Lifespan Corporation

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2 Replies


Level 10
It's hard converting due dates from other reports if they aren't the same type of report. But you already have 2 columns that are pretty close on your report. Why not take copies of those and change them? Make a copy of your Project name column and change the textmode in there to be plannedCompletionDate everywhere it says "name". (this is really the only useful part you can pick up from other reports--it's hard to get the right combination of all 3 parts by randomly auditing other reports) Same for the Task name column. At the bare minimum, you should be looking for two lines that say valuefield and querysort, and change those two bits at the end (example below of what to look for, to change). valuefield=document:project:name querysort=document:project:name -skye


Level 5
Thanks, Skye. I certainly didn't think of it that way. It looks like your solution worked. Appreciate it! Janelle Hicks Lifespan Corporation