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Adding custom icon in report view


Level 3
Has anyone been able to add a custom icon to a report? I "sort of" got this to work but it won't print or display on a PDF version of a report. Theresa Gibson Reed Technology and Information Services Inc.
6 Replies


Level 7
Hey @Theresa Gibson Have you got the icon you want set up as your company logo to display in the global naviagtion bar? https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217220357 This should pull through to your report. I just tested in our environment, I exported a PDF of a report and I could see the icon there. Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 6
We do this a lot. We upload custom icons or images to a Workfront project called "Icons" and then call to them from there. You have to right click on the preview picture of the icon image and click "copy link location" to get the preview URL (not "copy image location" gives a thumbnail link that will not work as well). The URL should contain "...workfront.com/document/ preview ?versionID=..." You can then use this in reporting. You can set up the code using the default icons, then swap the following pieces of code for any custom icon URLs you'd like: "image.case.0.comparison.truetext= /static/img/r15/icons/casebuilder/light_green.gif " The above is our process using Mozilla Firefox... the "copy link location" option may be different is other browsers. Matt Marks Banner Engineering Corp.


Community Advisor

"Copy Link Location" in Firefox just copies javascript:void(0);


Level 6

Make sure you are in the correct spot to copy that link. To get to the preview image that works for us (in firefox), we navigate to the project, click the "documents" tab, hover over the desired image file, click "Document Details", Right click on preview picture in the box to the top right of the screen.

From there is a right click menu with "Copy link location" that works for us. Hope that helps.


Level 3
Hi Vicki. We are actually just trying to add a custom icon to a report. We do not want to change our branding. Thanks for the information though, Theresa Gibson Reed Technology and Information Services Inc.


Level 1

did you ever get the custom icons to print on a report.  we used the instructions below to link to cutom icons, but we have caching issues and still cannot get them to print on the report.  prints the link instead.

