Our users have a habit that's hard to break in which they will continue to update an Issue that's been converted to a Project, rather than update the Project. They just don't realize the difference between the two objects, and I realize part of it is ongoing training even though this has been communicated over and over. I know that in Project Preferences > Tasks & Issues there is an option to delete an issue once it's been converted to a project but we do not want to have the original issue deleted. Could we add an option so that issues can be 'locked' from editing after conversion?
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We have a similar problem. In terms of training them out of this issue...we've provided custom dashboards to our requestors so they can see the projects and/or tasks that their requests have been converted to (plus a lot more) and guided them away from the 'Requests I've submitted' page. I've tried to even hide that page, but have been unsuccessful. So I buried it best I could!
In terms of actual locking, I don't know how to do that, but would be interested if anyone else does.
The most effective way I've found is to change the status of the issue to 'Completed' or 'Resolved' once we change it. Now that I think about it you could also create a custom status called 'Converted to task/project.'
Sorry for my unhelpful helpfulness!
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Hi Elena,
Along the same lines as Samantha, another way you could consider locking such converted Issues would be to click Sharing, add the person (people / group / etc.) who keep forgetting to NOT edit, and mark their rights as "View It" (only). If you like where that's heading, I have some ideas on exception reporting / automating that might help, too.
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Since our requesters barely take the training and don't have enough time on their hands to poke around, we found that to "lock them out of the request once submitted" was a matter of simply providing a dashboard that give them the status of the ongoing project, but no access to the project itself, and there is no hyperlink to the original request after submission. They also have no other interface elements that can get them back to their request either.
Although…NWE doesn't let me hide the default "all requests" like Classic did so once we move to NWE this could be an issue.
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This is a partial help, though not a full lock-out solution. The fields for 'Resolving object' can be referenced in calculated fields. You could look at putting a field in the top of the Issue-variant of the form that looks to see if there is a value for resolving object and displays a warning message appropriately as one step.
Secondly, though I'll admit I haven't tried this to guarantee it can be done, you could try setting up a link to the resolving Project with a filtered Typeahead field. I know you can use text-mode filters there, but I've never tried making one filter to only a specific project. Goal wouldn't be to accomplish anything functional, just to make it easier for the user to jump to the right location. If that isn't possible, I know you could string together a URL in a calculated field that made the link as well.
In part the issue is also that people viewing the Project-variant of the form don't know change have been made on the Issue-variant. I don't have a creative idea offhand, but some way of making it more visible or alerting them to look another place for data could help resolve too.
And lastly, depending on volume of the issue and technical ability of the person converting the issues, you could train the people converting to edit the security of the requestors after conversion. By default they have to have at least Contribute with 'Edit Custom Form' permission to submit in the first place, but if you revoke the 'Edit Custom Form' permission after conversion then the form on the Issue becomes read-only to them.
That part is manual, I don't know any automated way to accomplish it, but it will do what you want at least.
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FYI, I created an idea for 'Greater control over request settings: lock issues, prevent conversion to tasks/projects' if anyone else is exploring this and wants to upvote!