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Actual Hours Rolled Up to Portfolio?


Level 1
Ive been working on a couple reports trying to get "actual hours this month" rolled up to the portfolio level. It looks like WF removed the summary option on this field after I opened a ticket that the summary functions were returning errors. Basically our portfolios have a custom form with an hours budget for the portfolio and we're trying to roll up projects to compare monthly hours versus budgeted hours. The hard thing is the hours may not be budgeted in projects so I cant just sum budgeted projects. I've had a ticket open with WF for a few months on this but really could use some workaround ideas? http://grab.by/QaUC
2 Replies


Level 6
I Know this thread is a bit old, but have you had any luck with this? i'm actually digging into doing this now, and I can get the Project & Program hours to roll up to the portfolio level. I hadn't thought about doing an hours element in the custom form at the portfolio level which is a smart approach.


Level 1
we dont use it too much but needed some help from WF on this. Here is what we're doing now : http://prntscr.com/eaw9aj http://prntscr.com/eaw96o http://prntscr.com/eaw8yo I can send over anything else too if its of any help.