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2019.2 release now in preview!



Hey all -- just in case you didn't see it - I posted an announcement that the 2019.2 release is now in preview. Check it out to see what highlights are coming! Also - if you're newer to Workfront and you need to know how to access your preview sandbox - check out this article . - Kyna Kyna Baker Customer Content and Community Manager Workfront

10 Replies


Level 5
Curious to know why project custom forms still aren't accessible from the task level or why they can't be. Was hoping the new project feature did that but it doesn't. Seems odd that you could automate attaching a blank form to EVERY task you create, but you can't attach a form to every task at conversion so the project custom form details are available at the task level in EVERY task. Does anyone have a use case for this enhancement? >Attach Default Custom Forms and Approval Processes to Tasks Jennifer Ching Robert Half International Inc.


Level 10
Hi @Jennifer Ching Can you elaborate on this a bit more? If you want project level data available on a task list view then this can already be done. Or, are you wanting to see it propogated onto a task at the point of creation so that you can see it when looking directly at a task? David Cornwell


Level 7
Has anyone yet been able see the 'Reverse Changes in the Task List' functionality in preview yet? My understanding was this was due to be added yesterday (7th May) Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 6
Hi Vicky, I too am unable to see the functionality in Preview. Justin Renteria SSFCU


Hi all, I just checked and it looks like the reverse task functionality didn't release as expected on May 7, but they are working on it. The release page will be updated soon with new information so keep checking back there. I still have feelers out about the custom forms and will update when I hear more. Thanks, Kyna Kyna Baker Customer Content and Community Manager Workfront


Level 7
Hi @Justin Renteria Just thought I'd let you know that I have checked this morning and it seems to be in our preview environment now. Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 1
For me, it showed up in Preview today. Lynn Susi The MetroHealth System MetroHealth's Mission: Leading the way to a healthier you and a healthier community through service, teaching, discovery, and teamwork. This email and all attachments that may have been included are intended only for the use of the party to whom/which the email is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the addressee or the employee or agent of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from printing, storing, disseminating, distributing, or copying this communication. If you have received this notification in error, please contact the Interim Privacy Officer at 216-778-7751. For a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, please visit http://www.metrohealth.org/financial-services/privacy-policy


Level 8
I'm so excited for this!! Adina Pierce


Level 9
I really love the new "edit mode" in the task list, and I know my users will love it even more. We're also looking forward to the "tag anyone in a proof comment" feature, but I noticed an issue. We have a LOT of "Jennifers" in our system, and I noticed that they didn't all appear in the list as I started to type "@Jennifer". I tried typing the FULL name of one of the missing Jennifers and got no results, but DID find her when I started typing her *last name* ("@Whe..."). Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 10
I'm still struggling with the "tag any user" functionality. So far: "tagging" stops looking for people right after you hit the space bar. So if I'm looking for "Jane Smith" and I start pulling up 20 Janes, I can't type in "Jane Smith" (it only searches on Jane or Smith) it feels very manual and I'm still not sure how I feel about that. I mean... fair enough: there are definitely workflows where you would not want everyone you added to also be able to add extra people. But if you do want people to be able to do that, then you're stuck setting the same people over and over again. It's a no-win situation at the moment. Deactivated users still listed (slated to be fixed around... now-ish) I feel apprehensive that my users may not really understand the different proofing roles well enough and might try and set a role that we don't use. That's just me being paranoid though. -skye