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Workfront Project Default Views for Tasks and Issues


Level 3


Description - Would love to see the ability to assign a default view for a project's tasks and issues

Why is this feature important to you - Managing multiple views and switching between the views takes a lot of time.  When collaborating, the users need to be on the same view.

How would you like the feature to work - When creating a project new or from a template, the creator can assign a default view.  Other users inherit that view or can change to their own.  But at least it would be a starting point for collaboration.

Current Behaviour - Users have to select views.



Level 10


I absolutely support this proposal!
It is more than necessary.
We have created very specific views for different departments, most of which only work properly with the appropriate grouping. For colleagues who work across departments, this means at least two additional clicks every time they switch between department-specific topics.


Community Advisor



Hi @lgaertner and @Kelly_StarzEnt,


I invite you to consider these Switchback Workflow concepts to build fit-for-purpose custom reports tailored for use with the right view, filter, and groupings (collapsed by default), then either:


  • place them in The Right Order on a single dashboard (as per the original concept), share the dashboard (ideally via Layout Templates) with users, and teach them how to scroll down to their stuff, or
  • place each of them on a separate dashboard (upgrading the original concept), sharig each dashboard as custom tabs (ideally via Layout Templates) with users, and teach them how to click to their stuff (with one click)


