It would be great if there were some interface before you commit to saving a brand new user to WF as a "new User" or PHQ as a "new proof reviewer" that would verify if the information (A) already exists and (B) could be immediately modified to prevent mistakes from misspellings resulting in erroneous duplicate users in WF or guest/user contacts in PHQ.
VERIFY BEFORE YOU COMMIT NEW DATA DETAILS - If you've ever used you'll be familiar with something functionally similar when you are adding new "leaf" details to a person existing on your family tree. It allows you to turn on or off certain details "accepting them or rejecting them" to carry into your tree and make any modifications to correct the person's info in the family tree at the time you are entering this new information to your tree.
This would be an improvement to Workfront helping to maintain user profile data integrity and prevent or reduce the number of duplicate user accounts being added erroneously to PHQ.