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Tweak the Algorithm for Project Conditions


Level 6



I am requesting Workfront to tweak the Algorithm for tracking project conditions because we have a number of projects listed "At Risk" when they aren't really at risk.

The algorithm takes the percent complete bar into a little more consideration than the planned start, planned completion, and actual start date for tasks. To keep our projects "On Target" We are telling our content developers to put 25, 50, or 75% in the task percent complete bar even though they may not be that far along just to keep the project "On Target" for reporting purposes.

An example of this is a task that had a planned start date of 6/15/18. The content developer began the task on 6/15, and the task is not due until 7/12/18. They had to move the percent complete bar to 50% today, 6/25/18, to keep the project "On Target". The task is planned to take only eight hours, so something is not right with the algorithm.

I'm only requesting that the algorithm not be weighed so heavily on the percent completion bar when tracking tasks. Thank you.



Level 3


Or even just give us the option to turn off that aspect of the algorithm altogether, and just stick to the progress of completed tasks against the timeline. We face the same problems and telling our team to remember to update percentage complete is just not feasible in our environment. "At Risk" is currently a false alarm for us, and such a red herring that I hesitate to share it with leadership.


Level 1


Hello! I wanted to comment in here about a soon to be available enhancement which might help here. It's definitely not exactly what you are talking about, but introduces flexibility with Conditions. We are making Conditions a customizable item. Meaning you can rename the built in conditions as well as add new options. With this, you can also change the default condition that is displayed on Projects based on the current algorithm. So, if At Risk is coming up and you want that scenario to be something else, you can make that adjustment.

I'm not going to close this item or consider it done because it is definitely different than what I am describing, but I thought it might be useful for you to know. You can find the Custom Conditions idea and related updates here https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSPTAA4/detail.

Josh Hardman

Product Manager, Workfront