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'To Do List' view not affected by the Home page filter


Level 4


Description -We would like the To Do List widget to display everything we add regardless of the deadline date we assign to it, and without being dictated by the filter currently at the top left of the Home Page which allow us to sort by Day, Week or Month. (Or create a separate filter within the To Do List widget where we can display 'all items')

Why is this feature important to you - It's important because if I add items that are due next week (but next week begins a new month) those items aren't displayed in my list. Also, I can't see if I remembered to add something since anything I've added in a different month doesn't show up. 

How would you like the feature to work - I would like to see all the items I add to my list regardless of the deadline, sorted by the most current deadlines based on the calendar date I chose. 

Current Behavior - The filter in the top left of the Home page dictates what we see in the To Do List.  So, if it's the 29th of the month and my filter is set to view 'month', the To Do List only displays items for the remainder of that current month. It doesn't even display 1 month out. Anything due on the 1st of the month will not show up until that day.



Level 1


This is super important.  As an extension of this Day/Week/Month functionality, now that it is August 1, everything that was on my to-do list from July is gone, whether I completed it or not.  It's a very strange user experience that needs to be fixed ASAP. 


Level 1


This is a very important fix for my Company as well. Users will lose sight of their personal tasks if this is not fixed making this feature unusable in its current form. We were able to create a report that pulls the personal tasks but seems foolish as this creates an additional step and report maintenance that we are looking to simplify.