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Templates attached to projects?


Level 8


We have multiple templates attached to projects.

Currently, you can attach as many templates as you like to a single Project but under Project Details it will only show the most recent one added. That area is static and not configurable to show all Templates attached.

I also tried to create a View and a Report to show all Templates that exists on a Project which did not work. This again will only show the most recent one.

6 Comentarios


Level 1



I agree! It would be great to track the templates added since that is how my team manages the bulk of tasks. We're often swapping and appending templates.

Just checking. You say WorkFront tracks the last template added? For us, it tracks only the initial template added. Most current would be better than initial template. That way, I can easily tell what is the current intent. I can also pull in the template used in reports to easily spot issues related to templates chosen.

Does anyone else have an opinion or workaround?


Level 8


Hi Lori,

Correction on the first post - I just tested and I can also only see the initial template added to the project, not the most recent one added. I agree that being able to see the most recent template added would be more helpful! I'm not aware of any workarounds right now.


Level 4


We are interesting in a feature like this but would also appreciate being able to change a template. Sometimes we convert to a project and then realize we really needed a different template applied. We can update the tasks but since we report off the template applied to better understand all the nuances of similar project types, it skews our metrics to not have the correct one available for our report. The system only keeps track of the first template applied and doesn't allow us to change it so it is accurate for our report.