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Ability to set a Task constraint option as default for new tasks created in the projects associated with a group


Level 4


As is:

The Task Constraint setting of new tasks can only be influenced indirectly using the Start Date setting, as follows:

Based on the Project Planned Date -> "As soon as possible"

Today -> "Start No Earlier Than (today)"



For our Group Admins it would be useful to be able to set Task constraint options as default for the new tasks created in the projects associated with their group.

The ask is to have a setting for the "Task Constraint",  in the settings of a Group > Task & Requests Preferences > New Task Defaults section, similar to the "Duration type"



Tagging on to this - It would be helpful to have the option of setting task constraint defaults at project level.  Most projects are based on "as soon  as possible", however, in certain projects, it is annoying to have to set the constraint manually every time I add a task that needs a specific start and end date  - OR optionally, fill in a duration to account for the time between the start and end dates.


Either way, it is inefficient and cumbersome and means that only those users familiar with constraints and durations are able add tasks to those specific projects, which is limited to just a few people. 


Community Advisor


I think I submitted that idea years ago. Something like this:

Set the constraint default in the project settings. If the default is ASAP, you can type in a complete date manually and instead of the constraint changing to "Must Finish On", the duration changes to accomodate the finish date you typed in.

It's a simple bit of maths that would be needed to calculate the duration. Cuurently, the user has to calculate the duration based on Start date time of day, weekends, holidays, time zones, etc. (It's a bit of a pain).

Start dates would have to behave differently because they are affected by predecessors.


Please do this. Please, please please. Doing this would eliminate A LOT of manual adjustment and report analysis. It would be immediately clear that projects were ahead or behind, by how much, etc. 



This reminds me of this As Soon As Possible post.


It strikes me as something that those with Fusion and inclination could automate...as could those without one or the other using our UberCalc solution...or either, in your case, @EileenWom 


