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Statuses don't have to be locked system wide to appear on a specific team's agile board


Level 7


Right now I am having to lock all group statuses at the system level to allow them to appear on a teams agile board. We have 20+ task statuses in the system right now and growing. And they are not all relevant to all users (ie we do building construction and software custom development each with wildly different status progressions)



Level 2


@Gevorg, is there anything related to statuses on the Agile roadmap for the next 12 months? This seems really odd for things after LEAP 2018 to be moving forward in a positive way for the Agile side of Workfront and now it seems to have just stopped and lost all forward momentum.


Level 2


All, this is an idea we are currently investigating. We plan to solve this problem by adding group statuses to the agile board.


Level 5


This is a similar request: https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSoUAAW/detail

One of our teams just moved to the Kanban view and we were distressed to learn that their swim lanes will need to be system wide task statuses. How can Workfront become a "global" system of record when it continues to insist that all groups in a company work in the exact same manner. All systems should be able to be assigned to just groups or teams.


Level 5


Good to see this thread - I have heard nothing from WF support on this and have been struggling with this for days now. It is imperative we have this functionality, or we end up with a long list of statuses and the wild west of choices avaiaible....this is absolutely not logical...


Level 10


This is definitely an oversight in the product no only with Kanban but also Approval Processes. Visited with different Workfront resources at Leap to discuss. Also have tickets opened with our ASE in support and looped in our CSM and Sales managers. I'd really like to see this changed to be more of an immediate fix all the way around.


Level 4


Is there any update on this and when it may be available in Beta. We and I'm assuming many other customers are moving more work to simplified views like kanban and this is very much needed. Thanks!


Level 3


Is there any update for this? Our instance is seeing rapid growth and I'm to the point that I can't recommend Agile use even for users that would really benefit because I can't accomodate the terminology that the different teams need. Any progress would be appreciated.


Level 2


If this is "On Roadmap", is there any way to share at what point it's on the roadmap given the last status update was well over a year ago?