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Resolving and resolvable object status Sync Issue


Level 4


Description -

Why is this feature important to you - It results in discrepancy between issue (resolvable) and project (resolving) objects. The statuses do not match.


How would you like the feature to work - The resolvable object's status match the resolving object status.


Current Behavior - The resolvable object's status won't revert from closed to anything else, once changed to closed. If the resolving object status is any status matching the system default cancel or closed, after it is reverted to some status equal to have been opened again, it won't trigger any change to the resolvable object status.

1 Comment


Level 3


I am dealing with the same issue currently and thought it was a bug. We would like to reopen something that is closed or change statuses if something changes on it later and have it sync back the status from the task to the request or issue to keep it accurate.