Description -
We are looking to report on Planned Hours by Role By Project. We currently have more than one role assigned to a task in Workfront. We use both Simple and Calculated Assignment for Planned Hours on the Duration Type on various tasks. We would like to run historical reporting for planned hours by role for individual projects in order to be able to better estimate resource utilization on upcoming similar projects. (For the bulk of our (business) users we don't use actual hours as they are not licensed as "workers")
Workfront reporting currently does not allow reporting in this manner as it cannot break down the planned hours for each role for each task. While the Resourcing feature in Workfront will provide this information, it is more geared toward point in time reporting and does not provide the historical data we are looking for in a usable format and it only allows exporting of up to 12 quarters.
In addition, it would seem that this would be a welcomed addition to their reporting in order to be able to compare planned hours for roles versus actual hours.
We are hoping there will be future enhancements to be able to report on Planned Hours, by Role, By Project.