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Report Creation/Entry Date Field




Description - Add field to capture the entry date of a report similar to the entry date of a issue, project, task, or user.

Why is this feature important to you - This is important because I need to know how long a report has been available to be used. This helps tell the story of high quality reports that can be duplicated/copied for other users across my instance and peer customers of Adobe Workfront. If a report has been around for years and was recently modified that highlights importance and emphasizes need to secure it and have it monitored for quality control. The reports in Adobe Workfront are often used to drive key business decisions and knowing every aspect about a report is critical to data governance and management.

How would you like the feature to work - Users should be able to add the field as a column (view), filter or grouping in similar manner as an entry date for a project, issue, or task.

Current Behaviour - The field is not available in Workfront UI or API Explorer.





Community Advisor



I concur Karlton,


For our Magic Reports solutions, we've added a similar option that logs a note entry whenever a report is viewed, which we then chart (using a standard Workfront Report) to show the viewing usage trend over time: super useful, and would fabulous it was also baked in to Workfront Reporting (so tagging...nope, can't find him in Experience League, so mentioning him and will forward) Matt Thomas.





note to self @Doug_Den_Hoed__AtAppStore 




Oh that's good to know. Thanks for sharing that information. I did not realize the entry date for a report or dashboard was not available.


Level 5


One thing that we try to get our users to include in the creation month and year in the report description. So we have at least some record of when it was made. Not as ideal as Doug's solution though.


Community Advisor



Another crude but effective thought...


You could create a "Report of Reports", with no filter, ordered alphabetically by name (along with the description, owner, etc.), and schedule it to be generated and sent to yourself periodically (e.g. each month), and as each arrives, paste it into a new tab in Excel, and name the tab to match the date (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD).


By doing so, you could then easily "flip" from month to month to see which reports appeared (or disappeared) over time.






Level 1


I usually add created date (Month/Year) in the report description, but it would be nice if Workfront captured this automatically.