- On a weekly basis, we 40+ users a report that is filtered by $$USER.ID.
- To get the report to display the individual users data rather than the user that setup the repeating delivery, we have to setup a repeating delivery per user so the report is delivered with the access rights of that user.
- Within each report, you can configure up to 10 repeating deliveries.
- To workaround the maximum # of repeating deliveries, Workfront Customer Care recommended that we "create" the same report 4 times in order to set up each of the repeating deliveries
- This workaround is time consuming from a maintenance perspective (i.e., one change to the report requires the same action be taken 4x; monitoring which user is on which report for the repeating delivery, etc.).
Proposed Solution(s)
- Increase the maximum # of repeating deliveries for a report
- Modify the "Deliver this report with Access Rights of" to allow $$USER.ID