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Reorder Portfolio Optimizations Columns in the filter area


Level 4


Description - It would be great to be able to reorder the columns order in the filter area.


Why is this feature important to you - Sometimes we need to reorder the columns in the view.


How would you like the feature to work - When in the portfolio optimization tool, I would like to be able to reorder the columns in the view from the settings\filter area without having to delete all the columns and add them again in the order that I wish.


Current Behaviour - I am aware that I can drag and drop columns in the order I wish; however, every time I do that and I add a new column from the settings the order is reset to what it shows in the setting and there is no way for me to reorder them in the settings except if I delete them all and add them again in the order I wish. This is very time consuming and honestly does not make sense why it is programmed this way.