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PTO / Calendars / TimeZone Differences - Does not display correctly. THIS SHOULD BE FIXED.


Level 2


I understand that changing the timezone impacts how things are displayed. 


The issue is that the user marked 3 work days of PTO this week, and asked me to shift tasks off of those days.  When I went to the Workload Balancer, it was not showing me that the user had taken three work days off PTO it only shows two.  Then when you go to the users PTO page, it shows five.


How am I supposed to capacity plan when im seeing three different values for a user’s PTO?  Is the expected behavior that anyone doing resource balancing has to change the time zone of their laptop in order to see accurate data?  When you're trying to manage the workload for dozens of resources, flipping timezones on your computer to 'check if anyone in india selected PTOs' on a daily basis IS RIDICULOUS. I'm okay with the display being slightly off b/c of the time difference. BUT THIS is actually missing to display accurately. I should see 3 days worth of PTO in the workload balancer, not TWO. 



Community Advisor


The interim fix (quick hack type fix) for this should be that when someone selects "All Day" for their time off, it should only account for their scheduled hours, not midnight to midnight. This could revieve some of the issues when the 2 time zones aren't offset by enough to drive one user's start or end time past the other viewer's midnight.

We have struggled with this for years. Time zone offset works fine for task start and due dates an times but not on calendars.



Level 2


@RandyRoberts the calendar/pto entry does have the option to select "All Day" or specific time. Do you know if a quick hack fix would be for the resource to not indicate "all day" and just select hours? So 9-5 to reflect all day? 


Level 2


well we've been playing around in the calendar/PTO. Not selecting ALL DAY and just selecting the business hours. Now it doesn't show up at all. Well I should clarify. We've been playing around on a resource PTO who is based in India (IST). When checking workload balancer from US timezone, now the PTO doesn't show at all on the workload balancer. THIS IS SH*T!