The Assignment Object is a great opportunity to provide valuable reporting insight to managers, supervisors, even team members to provide a holistic view of everything that is assigned to individuals, team members, etc. However, there are some short comings:
- There is no Point-and-Click way to Group Assignments by Project Name. The only way to Group Assignments together for a resource by Project Name is to resort to Text mode code. Project info should be available in the Group tab to easily allow the report to be grouped by Out-of-Box and Custom Project fields.
- There is not way to Sort Dates within the report if you are displaying Issue and Task Data within the same report since they are coming from 2 different objects. I'd really like to see the Assignment object expanded so that ANY fields that are common between the Issue and the Task object are available for reporting from the Assignment object, as a single field so that sorting could be done by Dates or even common custom fields. For example, instead of displaying the Issue Entry Date or the Task Entry Date and being restricted to sorting on only one of these values, create a new field on the Assignment for Entry Date to contain either of the values, depending on if the Assignment is coming from and Issue or a Task. The closest thing in the tool today, that at least gets to the tip of this iceberg, is the "source" field that is available on the Hour object. The Source field on the Hour object will contain either the Issue Name or the Task Name depending on what the hour being reported is tied to. This makes it super easy to include in an Hour report, instead of having to write text mode code to display either the Issue Name or the Task Name, based on calculation. I'd like to see additional fields similar to this added to the Hour object and added to the Assignment object.