A reporting platform that will allow the following features
1) Ability to choose multiple object types within the same report
2) Provides capability to aggregate fields and report only summary numbers. Today when we try to get sum of hours or $$, we have to retrieve all base rows as well. For example, in 2016, we had 275,000 rows of time reported. This cannot be reported on 1 report.
3) Multi-level matrix report. The current implementation restricts us to no more than 2 levels in Columns and Rows.
4) Select aggregator function in matrix report. I've not had success figuring out when the report will sum and when it'll count. Maybe we want averages sometimes.
5) Publish data dictionary. We need a comprehensive and one-stop data dictionary that explains what the internal fields are. Ideally it will include our custom fields. Of course, accuracy and relevancy of custom field descriptions will be have to be maintained by customers.