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Proofing - Enable users to add multiple comments before submitting to reduce notifications


Level 1


Description - Our users would like the ability to add all their comments onto a proof rather than posting them individually to reduce multiple notifications.

Why is this feature important to you - Our users have recently installed Workfront Teams App and all the comments come through as a proofing notification, and there is no way to change the settings for proofing notifications in the app. 

How would you like the feature to work - Ability to add multiple comments and mark-up before posting them, one notification goes out with all changes required plus the ability to change the Teams App notifications for proofing

Current Behaviour - Comments have to be posted one-by-one in Proofing, which can generate a huge amount of notifications, although this can be reduced in email it does impact notifications that go through to the Teams App 

1 Comment


Community Advisor


Our artists rely on the individual comments so they can work their way through a document making corrections (and consequently marking them complete) as they go.

You could ask them to consolidate their comments to a single comment, but that would not allow for any specific direction if the comments happened to refer to items on multiple pages.

It sounds like perhaps users are inheriting communications preferences that might not work for them.  Workfront has the ability to customize notification preferences on an individual level, each user can go in and define how often they want to be updated.

Also if the proofing workflow is notifiying each user on each comment - that might be excessive.  Our users tend to prefer "replies to my comments"

One of the proofing notification options is Daily Summary - this consolidates all of the comments into one single email sent out at the end of the day.