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Proof Download & Print Functionality - Format of Comments


Level 1



Agency Project Managers are the gate keepers of the feedback, ensure all feedback is in and actionable, then download to share with the creative and strategy teams for next steps

  • The issue is that neither version available for download using the “print” function are ideal for feedback review – and we end up pulling both versions down and our creative & strategy teams manually toggle between both to transcribe feedback back into the source document. Below are the issues with the different formats:
    • Proof > Print > Print as PDF: Challenging to read. Lengthy comments stack on top and it is hard to see final direction. Comment thread numbers are referenced in comments, but not visible in this view. When comments are not tagged to a specific spot they float. This version takes a significant amount of time to arrive in Outlook inbox and often causes delay.
    • Proof > Print > Standard print (Green Button): Challenging to read. View of document is very small, hard to tell where the comment is tagged. Comments are grouped by thread numbers, but out of order of where they occur within the document.
  • Impact: High impact for all projects, high risk for errors, additional work for project management and creative and strategy

Ideal solve: documents uploaded as a proof would remain in their native source file format and could be downloaded and shared as such and comments are then in a live, actionable document format and not a locked PDF file format