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Proof Capabilities on Mobile (external users)


Level 6


Description - 

Currently there is no way for our clients (who are "external users" in Workfront) to view their proofs on a mobile device. The current Workfront mobile app does have some proofing capabilities but you must have a Workfront login to access. We would love someway for our clients to be able to review proofs on a mobile device (ipad/cellphone/etc).


Why is this feature important to you -

Our clients are busy and being able to review proofs on the go would help expedite feedback and streamline review process. Some clients also use just an ipad for their business hub (no computer) leaving the our proofing process unusable.


How would you like the feature to work -

Either proofs (including interactive) open naturally some how on a mobile device (ie in a web browser) or there is an app for reviewing that does not require an actual Workfront login.


Current Behavior - 

Limited mobile proofing capabilities, must have a Workfront login to utilize.