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Option to keep document when deleting the task it was attached to


Level 4


Description - When a user deletes a task they are not alerted if the task has any documents attached. This results in documents getting deleted in error.


Why is this feature important to you - We store our documents on the task level for ease of use for all those assigned to the task. If the task gets deleted without the user knowing the document was attached, the document gets deleted to. Its very hard to locate the document in the recycle bin since its not listed in the documents section therefore much time is spent trying to determine what task the document was attached to so we can restore that task.


How would you like the feature to work - I would like there to be a popup that either alerts the user that there is a document attached and ask them to confirm deletion or give the option to delete the task but keep the document.


Current Behaviour - Currently no warning is given and the task/document are both deleted without the user knowing if there were any documents involved.