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New WF Experience: Task Descriptions Viewable in Right-Sided Task Panel


Level 2


Please see attachment. I'm surprised the Task Details and Task Description isn't easily accessible from the right-sided sliding panel. I see this as being something that could provide a better experience to our users having task descriptions be one click away.

Here is what I am thinking from a Planner and a Worker viewpoint. At a project view, sliding the task panel over opens up Task Descriptions where the PM can enter in notes to the worker. Then the worker can go into the same project view and click on his/her task and the right-sided task panel can provide the same Task Description to the worker without having to click around.

I'm enjoying the new WF experience so far since being in it for a day. I've provided feedback at Leap about making sure the task panels allow workers to work in a project or task without needing to jump around.

My attachment won't attach, so I'll link to where I posted my same thoughts in One.


Other issue I'm sure is known: Clicking into a comment from email or notification doesn't anchor to the Update.

