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Include "Assignments" to project template Filters or Views


Level 2


This issue arose because I wanted to update the project templates where Lisa is assigned a task directly and add Lindsay to Lisa's tasks. They will divvy up the web content tasks between themselves. I don’t want to use the “web content team” here, because Charde receives her assignments using that tag, and they don’t want to pull her into Lisa's items. They want to keep using the tag to retain visibility into Charde's tasks.

My idea is that "Assignments" will be include to project template Filters or Views, so that you can see who or that team is assigned to a project. 

9 Kommentare


Community Advisor


Hi there, just like you can create filters/groupings/views for projects, tasks, etc., you can also do this for templates. You can create a template task view and also use an assigned to or assignment user view or filter when looking at tasks in projects...




Level 2


There isn't an assigned to or assignment user view or filter that exists for project templates. Could you please include a screenshot if you see it on your end? I had put in a Workfront customer service request a few days ago, and they confirmed that this functionality does not exist and recommended that I submit my idea here. 


Community Advisor


When you're in your template tasks, go to create a new view and you can use either of these:


 (better if task assigned to multiple ppl)



This is what you're referring to, correct?


Level 2


No, I was referring to project templates, not the tasks within the templates. I see what you mean, but I wanted to see the assignments for all of the project templates that we use in the company.Template.PNG

But thanks for looking into it though! 


Community Advisor


Ah! I see now. Yeah, I wouldn't see how WF would know how to pull that in, you're wanting a column of who has a task assigned to them anywhere in the template...perhaps adding a Shared With column would maybe give you some kind of indication without having to click in unless you share all your templates with everyone...


Level 2


We share all of our templates with everyone hahaha...Yeah, not sure how this would work, but grouping all of the assigned people or teams within a template and showing that on a project template filter would have been ideal for the task that I was working on.

Instead, I had to go into each project template, look at all of the assigned people, then add an additional new person alongside the existing assignee. 


Community Advisor


If the end goal is simply to find someone assigned to template tasks to add another person to them, you could do a template task report filtering to that person's name, then in the results bulk edit to add the other person to those tasks...


Level 2


Okay so I made a template task report that filtered to Lisa's name, but the results of the report are of old projects that have happened already. I wanted the unused template itself with Lisa's name to add another person's name. How do I do that? 


Community Advisor


Hi there, be sure you're using a Template Task report, not a Task report. When creating a template task report, and filter to assigned to name or assignment users name, it'll pull in any template task you have assigned to that person (so not tasks in real projects).