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Improvement to feature released 24.1 -- Include attached images as attachments on related external emails associated with in-app updates/comments.


Level 1


Improvement Description - A new feature allowing attachments to in-app comments and updates was included with the 24.1 release; this feature was initially designed to be in-app only.  Our users would like to see the image attachments carried through to the related external emails associated with these updates.

Problem - Restricting the attachments to only in-app creates a confusing user experience. For example, suppose a message was to ask someone to respond quickly to a referenced attachment. In that case, the email they receive does not contain the mentioned attachment, and the recipient must log into Workfront, navigate to the in-app message, and click on the attachment to view it.  This seems like a lot of effort to view something that is expected to already be attached to the email they receive.