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If @'d in a proof, you should be able to respond no matter what


Level 5


Description - If you're on an unactivated stage in routing and someone @'s you in the proof, you should be able to reply directly to that comment, but right now, you can't.

Why is this feature important to you - We have a few designers with specific skills that are on a File Build Check stage but if a client asks a question regarding the project to one of those designers, they're unable to respond in the proof because they're stage isn't active or their role and have to go through additional steps to correspond, mostly outside of the proof/Workfront.  It seems unnecessary.

How would you like the feature to work - Just make it that if you're @'d in a comment on the proof you can respond directly to that comment even if your stage is not activated.

Current Behaviour - If you want to respond to that comment you're @'d in, you either have to have someone change your role and move you to a previous stage or you have to carry the conversation over to the project, or find a way to correspond outside o Workfront.



Level 10


I'd disagree somewhat. We'd actually prefer an option to disable at-tagging into a proof entirely (as well as not allow the attachment of documents). Only the people assigned by the planner should have any say, because we only use Proof as a final routing tool, not a discussion tool (discussion happens outside of Proof and often Workfront).

At the very least this proposed feature should be an option on a per-proof basis for the owner, not a change in the only way Proof works.


Level 5


Interesting.  Workfront and its proofing capabilities, including the ability to comment and discuss in the proof, has been so incredibly helpful.  The ability to have a single source of "truth" where the project materials, discussion, and approvals exist all together is exactly why we moved to Workfront for our project management needs. 


Regardless, I can care less how it's made available as long as it becomes available.  It would fit our company's needs quite well.