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Environment Promotion crossdomain feature


Level 2


We were testing the new Environment Promotion Beta.
It's a great now tool to bring data to another system
As we have a 2nd PROD system for performance testing using a different domain, we would highly appreciate to use the new feature here as well. Unfortunately this is currently not possible crossdomain.

Therefore we have to always manually or via Kickstarts move the data, on top of that we lose all IDs by this and have to adjust a lot. Overall there is quite some effort for this data migration, and crossdomain Environment Promotion would help here massively.
We already created a support case related to this: Case #00399884



Community Advisor


Hi @ChristianHa1,


While you are waiting for this idea to be evaluated, I invite you to consider our Packages solution which does include the crossdomain functionality you seek, and would be happy to provide more details via doug.denhoed@atappstore.com.





PS here is a short video primer


Level 10


Hello Christian,


I cannot help you concerning the crossdomain issue, but is the Environment Promotion Beta a closed one? 
Months ago I heard about the fact, that Adobe is working on such a feature, but I did not know, that there is a beta already...



Thanks in advance.


