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Duration populates off entered start/end dates


Level 2


Description - Have the duration populate off of entered start/end date instead of putting a start date and then putting a duration for an end date when you have a specific end date.

Why is this feature important to you -  I have specific start and end date(s), in order to put the exact end date I need I end up having to guess the duration for it to populate in the system.

How would you like the feature to work -  I would like to put the start date in as 2/26/2024 and then put the end date as 3/1/2024 and the system automatically populate the duration of 5 days.  This is a simple example where it's easy to know the duration between a Monday through Friday but when you are looking over the span of weeks/months having to populate the duration for it to have a specific end date I always have to guess the duration for the specific end date I need.

Current Behaviour - you put in the start date and the duration and it populates an end date.



Community Advisor


Hi @MeganBa1 - Have you tried using the "fixed dates" task constraint? You can add the task constraint in the task view on a project. If you change the task constraint, then you can just enter the exact start and end date (then the duration populates based off your entries).


Just mentioning in case it helps!


Level 2


Hi @VictoriaLinn 


Thanks for getting back to me!  This is helpful as it led me to be able to look more information up on it.  I think what I am looking for though would be the project as a whole be set up to whenever you add a new task it's the "fixed dates" automatically and not having to update the constraint of each individual task.  Is that possible to have fixed dates at the project level?  I haven't landed on it in my searching so far but maybe I just didn't get to it yet.


Community Advisor


Yeah, definitely hear you that there is room for improvement. Not sure if you're using a project template, but could preselect "fixed dates" on the template for it to carry through to the project and not have to manually set each line. 


Community Advisor


I've been asking for this for years. I think there should be a default constraint or a template/project setting that allows you to have a fixed constraint of ASAP. Then you could set the date without it changing to must start/finish on. Instead I have to change the duration several times until I get the date I want.