Description/Current Behaviour - In Single Line Custom Fields from type number, Workfront is only allowing the decimal separator dot (25.5). If a user enters the number in the European format with a comma as separator (25,5), Workfront is erasing/deleting the comma from the Value.
Why is this feature important to you - When you include such a field in your calculations, your result could be wrong because of a deleted decimal separator. Depending of how many decimal numbers you have entered your result could be 100 or 1000 times higher.
How would you like the feature to work - There are a few possible ways to solve this. The first possibility is already in place, but in a different area of Workfront. In the Timesheet you can enter the hours with a comma separated and Workfront changes automatically to a value with a dot as separator. So the existing rule of deleting the comma should be upgraded, that the comma is not deleted but rather be changed to a dot.
An other option would be that the user how creates the field can set the needed format and that the format is displayed in the field to guide the user in which format he needs to enter the value.
A third option would be that the Field is allowing to have both separators in the field and in the background Workfront is standardising the value for further use.