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Cutom Form for Reports


Level 6


Description - Add a new type of Custom Form for Reports. 

Why is this feature important to you - This would allow the classification of reports and ability to more easily find reports and store metadata relevant to a specific company about the report

How would you like the feature to work - Add new Category for Reports and surface that in Report Settings

Current Behaviour - No equivalent 



Community Advisor


I would like to see the ability to add custom data/forms to any object type, including Reports and Dashboards (among many others: Teams, Roles, Categories, Parameters, and more)

In the meantime, you can leverage the Report's Description field to enable basic filtering capabilities. As an example, a substitute for a "Report Category" custom field could be that you add a keyword after a # symbol at the end of a report's description to assign the report to a category:
     #ops for ops team reports
     #mar for marketing team reports
     #lgl for legal team reports
With the above, you can add a filter to your reports list:

"Description contains #mar" to show marketing reports; or

"Description does not contain #" to show reports without any category.

You can use different symbols to track different fields. Let's say you also need a "Report Audience" field. You could do that with a $ symbol:
     $ldr for leadership audiences
     $one for a single-person audience

     $pln for an audience of users with Planner licenses
You can then add a filter to your Reports list:

"Description contains $ldr" to show reports for a leadership audience; or

"Description does not contain $" to show reports without a specified audience.

The above can alternatively be written to and filtered on the extRefID field of a Report, which would hide the keywords from users in the Report Description; however you can only write to extRefID via the API, not in the UI. 


Level 1


I would also like this feature as we use a specific report for our finance work - this report pulls all invoices submitted into the system from a specific start and end date, and then groups those invoices into what we call a batch. We would like to be able to tie a batch reference # to that invoice so that later we can check to see when that invoice was processed and sent to AP for payment. In addition to a reference # we also want to pull in the timestamp of when it was run (or when the report was opened) for auditing/issue management. 

These values are technically available today in the report view (# of views and last viewed on), however there is no way to bring these data points to another object via a custom form. We are exploring the ability to use Fusion to read the report data and send it to 2 custom fields in a document level custom form.


This flexibility would allow us to customize much more within our system and processes.