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Customising Task Constraints


Level 2


One of Workfront's rich features is the customisable lists (issues, risks et al).

Within Task constraints there are many options which allow for complex projects with tasks and dates. Whilst this is very powerful it is sometimes overbearing and confusing for new (and experienced) project managers.

I would suggest that the list becomes configurable, I am not suggesting that each customer can add new constraints but to allow the system admin to hide certain ones. I cannot be the only sys admin that has to explain that we as a company only use X and be challenged "then why can't you get rid of the ones we do not use.

For example our company probably only uses

  • Fixed Dates
  • Must Start on
  • Must Finish on
  • As Soon As possible

I we could hide the others then this would be a massive win for my customer experience as the PM's would not get confused with the other more complex constraints.


Martin Vines

Product Owner, Sys Admin and PM for Grant Thornton UK LLP