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Create 2 new native fields at the PROGRAM level that rolls up planned hours and actual hours of all of the projects within the program



Description - Create native fields that roll up all of the project's planned hours and actual hours into program level fields.  Similar to how project's have native fields that total all of task's planned and actual hours.


Why is this feature important to you - We budget/allocate hours at the PROGRAM (Campaign) level then there are several projects within those campaigns.  We need to report at the PROGRAM (Campaign) level our budgeted hours (planned by mangement) vs. planned hours (entered into projects by the PMs) vs. Actual Hours 


How would you like the feature to work - Workfront create two new native fields: Program Planned Hours (sum of all project's planned hours for the projects that fall inside the program) and Program Actual Hours (sum of all project's actual hours logged for the projects that fall inside the program).  Then these native fields can be easily used on program level reporting.


Current Behaviour - Can only pull PROJECT level reports and group by Program to get total planned and actual hours.  But because the Budgeted Hours (custom field, not native) are at the Program level this doesn't help.  There is no way to have a program level report that shows program's budgeted hours vs. planned hours. vs. actual hours.

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