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Calendars -- Ability to show planned duration even after actual is entered


Level 8


It would be awesome to force the calendar to continue to show Planned Dates/Duration and not Actual or Projected Dates/Duration even after actual dates/hours are entered.

Having a calendar with the ability to show planned in one color with the actual or projected in another color would be awesome to show our executives and stakeholders.

Calendars are the best visual representation we can show them. Yes, I do realize there are gantt charts in the system that could show this -- but calendars really give laypeople the best understanding in my experience.

Right now, the calendar options are very limited:



Level 1


My team is heavily event based and the calendar is throwing us for a loop. We have a high volume of work and events, so someone may not mark something complete the moment it happens. This causes events to move on the calendar thus making it sloppy and inaccurate. Please fix!


Level 10


@Matt May... a vote may have been taken away "unintentionally"....if someone voted on this in the past and then tried to vote it up again recently, it actually decrements the vote count, even though they clicked the "up" button. The voting buttons are a little buggy like that. So, if you are not paying attention to the total when you click it, you may not notice that you may have decreased the vote count. I know @Josh Boston is working on improving the idea exchange...so hopefully this get addressed. :)