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Boards Enhancements - Intake Column Additions


Level 9


Description - Within the existing Board design, the Intake column does not display the Due date of the Task or Issue on the face of the card until it is brought into a main column. Nor is that column sortable by any of the same options supported for the rest of the columns that have been created, even as a partial solution. This makes it a barrier to user adoption, as they have no way to understand what is being asked of them first without opening each card in the Intake column to find the information. 

Why is this feature important to you - For any team or individual trying to manage their workflow on a Board, the ability to quickly understand 'what is being asked for first'? is critical to the usability of the Boards. Without that easy visibility, teams may prioritize discussions about items that are not as time sensitive as something later in the list. For any team or individual with more than a handful of work requests, this is simply unrealistic to expect and they are switching back to old task and issue reports to manage their work.

How would you like the feature to work - The 'Planned Due Date' field should display on the face of the Intake column cards exactly as it does in every other column. Clicking 'Sort By' should affect the Intake column exactly as it does every other column. 

Current Behavior - Field is not displayed, and Sort functionality does not affect the Intake column at all.