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Allow report owners to be changed w/o rebuilding report OR allow reorganization of reports built by deactivated users


Level 4


Currently our reports are a mess because a vast majority of them were created by an admin that is no longer with our company. We would love to reorganize them into meaningful folders, but we cannot do so w/o doing one of the following:

1.) reactivating him (not an option)

2.) rebuilding all of the reports as a current admin

3.) creating an 'admin' account and building under that account (also not a viable option)

Therefore, please consider making either changing a report owner an option or allow reorganization of reports built by a deactivated user.



Community Advisor


This is a HUGE NEED as we limit who has the ability to build a report and admins are constantly building reports for specific users. Also would love to be able to move ownership once the person is no longer within that group


Level 10


My take on ideas to make this work:

  1. Being able to have certain objects "owned" by the system itself, rather than a specific person.
  2. Or, owned by some concept of "all admins."
  3. Or, just to easily transfer ownership of any object—ANY object—to another person, preferrably as a bulk edit.




Hi @MelissaAv1  ,


Thank you for the idea. I'm working the Jonathan Chen to get updates on the top ideas that haven't had any recent updates.


I work in the Product Management team. I checked with Ben Robbins. He is one of the Group Product Managers. Here is his response for this idea:

""This is unique to legacy reports and we likely won't have the same experience in the new canvas dashboards — the reason why a report owner is important in legacy doesn’t exist in the new since report creation and edits are democratized.
It's currently too early to suggest we'll solve it with new reporting, and we'll need to see if it is still an ask once the new reporting rolls out."

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