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Allow for Board views on issues as well as tasks in one consolidated view


Community Advisor


This is edited since they already had the original idea in the works.

Description: The "new"-er idea is to allow for a consolidated Kanban view for Tasks and Issues in a single list.

It's important because: Since most users don't care about whether the "thing I gotta do" started out as a task or an issue, it would be beneficial to see them all in one list. It's so much easier to prioritise and organise when you can see everything together.

How I'd like it to work: a choice on the board itself or in the project nav bar to include Tasks and Issues together. Or, make that the default and add an indicator on the card telling if it's a task or issue.
How it works Now: Users have to go 2 different places to see tasks and issues even on the same project


Old-er original idea:

Description - Put a "Boards" view icon on the Issues page of projects.

Why is this feature important to you - A lot of organisations use issues extensively in projects. Also this would be great for request queues.

How would you like the feature to work - Exactly that same as the Boards view for tasks

Current Behaviour - You have to create an external Board and filter for the issues in the project you want to target.



Community Advisor


Thanks Ewan, that's great news!

The one thing that would be even better would be to combine issues and tasks onto one kanban board. See, users don't much know or care about task vs. issue. To them, it's just "stuff I gotta do". Seeing all that in one place is the only way you can prioritise and effectively plan and schedule.






Right now you can do that with a dynamic board where you put your name in the assignments field on a simple filter.  



Community Advisor


Yes, I'm already aware of that but 1,000 Boards, one for each of my users, is something that's not gonna happen. And it doesn't narrow it to the project I'm looking at without allowing users to create their own boards and filters, which is also not gonna happen. Users just want to see their stuff, not constantly configure Workfront. In fact, we only have 2 teams using Boards until the product matures enough to be usable by an average (Workfront illiterate) user. 

What I think would be useful is if I were to click on a Board view in a project and see ALL tasks and issues in that project on one board. As a user, they don't know or care about tasks vs. issues as they're both just "stuff I gotta do". Separating them is just adding confusion for regular users. The project based boards view is the only way to view a kanban board with zero configuration. Regular users want zero configuration.

I think what the product managers are completely missing the point on is that not everyone wants Workfront to be their job. Not everyone wants to fiddle about with Workfront. Not everyone is a tinkerer. They all have other jobs and just want to see their stuff in Workfront, in an interface configured by their admins to show them their stuff with not much more than one click. Don't forget; It's not all about Workfront, it's all about the actual work.




@RandyRoberts great feedback thanks! 


There are a couple of takeaways from this.

  • You would prefer to see a boards view in a project with consolidated Issues and tasks (all the work) - Likes on this idea will help.  I will also be watching and see if this gets enough following to highlight to our product folks
  • We need a wildcard selection available in the simple filters similar to $$user.id in reporting or "My Tasks" and "My Issues" in the Advanced Filters for my example above to be easily shared/templatized.  There needs to be a way to make this scaleable which is limiting your ability to expand your organizations boards usage. 
  • Ideally something like this would be available within one click.