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Allow clearing / deleting a commit date on a task



If a commit date is set, then there is an issue upstream in the project, you cannot clear out the commit date. The planned date is changeable but then you have to manually open each task and change it to a new commit date (not just delete). The issue is that I may not WANT to set a commit date yet because we are still waiting on feedback from a client. I want to clear/delete commit date until I have further information.

This causes great confusion for team members as the Planned Date may have changed but the Commit Date still shows an old date.

This is also an issue if you copy a project to a new project where the old one had commit dates. Now you have to in an manually change those old commit dates one by one to something that may not even be valid.



Level 1


100% agree this issue needs to get fixed. It causes a lot of issues for my team and one of our biggest headaches we have with the software. Just get rid of the commitment date all together!