Description -
The Workload Balancer is AMAZING for individual users, but I would love to see a version where I could see a full team as a line on the WLB. For Agile teams who self assign/claim work, we'd like to be able to compare how much work is outstanding for the team vs how much availability they have that week to complete the work.
Why is this feature important to you -
Knowing lead times for teams, capacity planning if one team is getting overloaded or not.
How would you like the feature to work -
I'd love to be able to set the capacity of any given team as a static number like you do for an individual user. That team would appear as a line item on the WLB with the "available" time pulling in based on their static capacity minus holidays. Then it would pull in all the work assigned to that team, as well as all the work assigned to the users of that team AND the PTO of users on that team.
Current Behavior -
Currently there is not one place in Workfront where I can pull in all the tasks on a team + their PTO + their holidays + their personal assignments outside the team. On the legacy Agile places you can input capacity but it is manually put in, not automagically calculated like the WLB.