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Allow a project's Sponsor to see all Hours for the project without having to grant admin Access to *all* Timesheets & hours


Level 4


While creating reports for our management-level sponsors to see hours spent across groups & teams for the projects they sponsor, we were surprised to find that unless they have Manage permissions on the project, Sponsors can only see Hours for their own teams (either within the Project navigation or on reports.)

We then found there is no way to set up the project template or other permissions to grant Manage permissions to whoever the Project Sponsor is (in a dynamic way so we're not attempting to have the project template just contain a manual list of names of anyone who *might* be a project sponsor, which is a moving target.)

We received the suggestion from Support that we could create an Access Level and check the admin access box for "Timesheets & hours", but this requires us to (a) give overly broad access to timesheets & hours for projects they are *not* sponsoring, and (b) maintain the (moving target, again) list of users who need to be assigned that access level.

What would seem to make sense is to either enable us to set a default somewhere that a Project Sponsor is always granted Manage access to their projects, or to let us restrict the Timesheets & hours setting for the Access Level to only projects a users owns or sponsors. (I'd prefer the former but could live with the latter!)