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Advanced Search in Idea Exchange


Level 10


I just spent HOURS today searching through all the project idea's, to see if its already been logged to 'quickly add resources to tasks'. Using search isn't very helpful, and it keeps returning items in HELP CENTER rather than JUST Idea Exchange. Its becoming a black hole b/c users are forced to just enter new ideas rather than crowd source and upvote similar ones (b/c you simply can't find them!).



Level 2


Yes, the search engine as implemented here on the exchange and within the individual company domain is just not good. Infantile, really, in its inability to present truly relevant content.


Level 5


I also wonder how the Product Managers filter the ideas given that several are so similar and if they could blend them to reduce the number in the IdEX queue.

For example, as noted by Tina Huang in her post "50. RE: Idea Exchange Promotion"


Level 5


I agree, the Idea Exchange being impossible to search and not linked to discussions seems to be a way for Workfront to avoid issues.