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Adding a log-in for "Any External User" to the System Admin "Log in as" options


Level 1


  • Description - I would like to see if there is a way to add a generic option for "any external user" as a user into the "log in as" option for system admin

  • Why is this feature important to you - Often times we are creating reports for external clients, or have external partners that need to see something and things often look different externally so it would be GREAT if we would easily with a few clicks go into the mode of "seeing everything as a generic external user" instead of using work arounds

  • How would you like the feature to work - I envision it as almost a default option in the "Log in as" section where you could just click a button or select an option to "any external user" to see what anyone with generic "reviewer" permssions might see 

  • Current Behaviour - Otherwise, we often have to go into GMAIL or use a personal off line non-company email to see what emails and notifications look like so that we can create instructions and screenshots for our external partners more accurately.  I suppose we could also create fake external users and "log in as them" but I was hoping for 1 more easily available generic "anyone outside this company with no special license, just a random user" button as a built-in default